Quality Control in China

Quality Control in China - With over 15 years of experience in China, we offer a range of practical services that will help boost your business by increasing your profit margin. We provide a true long-term partnership.

For this quality control service, please contact us in advance, as we reserve the right to accept or decline products for inspection based on factors such as quantity, technology level, and the distance of the factory from Guangzhou, China.


Factory Visit


Visual and Technical Inspection of Samples


Counting/Quantitative Control Against the Order


Starting from €850 excluding tax


(*) Possible surcharge depending on the products.

(*) For any travel over 2 hours from Guangzhou, travel expenses will be billed at actual cost.


Factory visit


Visual Inspection and Functional Testing of All Products*

Counting/Quantitative Control Against the Order


Upon Quotation*


(*) Possible surcharge depending on the products.

(*) For any travel over 2 hours from Guangzhou, travel expenses will be billed at actual cost.


Factory Visit


Visual Inspection and Functional Testing of All Products*

Counting/Quantitative Control Against the Order


Report with Photos and Videos


Upon Quotation*


(*) Possible surcharge depending on the products.

(*) For any travel over 2 hours from Guangzhou, travel expenses will be billed at actual cost.

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